The modern methods of treatment of clinical manifestations of benign hypermobile joints syndrome (hypermobility spectrum disorders)


  • Tamar Mosulishvili Teaching University Geomedi, Tbilisi, Georgia Author
  • Manon Loria The National Association of Medical Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine, Tbilisi, Georgia Author
  • Ekaterine Sheshaberidze Eka Sheshaberidze Health and Rehabilitation Centre, Tbilisi, Georgia Author
  • Lali Avaliani Batumi Shota Rustaveli State, University, Georgia Author
  • Maia Chkhartishvili Georgian State Teaching University of Physical Education and Sports, Tbilisi Author



benign hypermobile joints syndrome (BHMJS), hippotherapy, hypermobile joints syndrome (HMJS), fibromyalgia, hypermobility spectrum disorders


The thesis discusses the role of hippotherapy in correction of clinical symptoms of musculoskeletal system of (BHMJS). In recent years, the number of children with BHMJS has been increased. Therefore, the implementation of new method of treatment is urgent and well-timed.  Due to imperfection of traditional treatment, the syndrome is accompanied with secondary complications what led us to determine the effectiveness of ride-therapy in correction of BHMJS.

The goal of the research is the development of the specific tactic of hippotherapy. The results of the initial research indicate the high effectiveness of hippotherapy in correction of clinical symptoms of musculoskeletal system of BHMJS.


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How to Cite

Mosulishvili T, Loria M, Sheshaberidze E, Avaliani L, Chkhartishvili M. The modern methods of treatment of clinical manifestations of benign hypermobile joints syndrome (hypermobility spectrum disorders) . MIMM. 2024;27(1). doi:10.56580/GEOMEDI45

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