Author Guidelines
Requirements for the work to be published in the journal
The publication requirements are based on the traditions and recommendations of the leading medical and managerial-economic scientific schools of Georgia and the world in general, as well as the internationally recognized successful experience of relevant field sciences.
The paper can be presented in Georgian (with a full English translation) and in English (the Georgian abstract of which, if the author wishes, the editors will provide), in the form of an electronic version, a list of at least 5 recommended reviewers in the relevant field of science (with e-mail and phone number) and with the result of Plagiarism Checker. The University reserves the right to verify the submitted documents. The paper will be published in English, together with a Georgian abstract (if available).
The article should adhere to the following structure:
a) Title of the work, author(s) last name, initials and other data - country, zip code, place of work, e-mail.
b) Abstract and Keywords (no more than 300 words).
c) Main Text: Introduction, Materials and methods, Discussion of obtained results, Conclusions, References.
Photographs (JPG, TIFF format - minimum resolution 300 DPI), tables, images, drawings, graphs, charts and diagrams must be numbered (if the article has one unit of this type, numbering is not required), titled and described, with appropriate reference(s).
Formulas should be noted in Microsoft Equation.
The paper should be written in Microsoft Word with Sylfaen font.
Sheet size A4, fields: top - 2.0 cm, bottom - 2.0 cm, left - 2.0 cm, right - 2.0 cm; interval -1.15; Title in 24 fonts, List of Authors - 16, Affiliations, Email, DOI - 11, Text - 12, Subheadings/Sections including Abstract and Keywords - 14 (as per Word Heading 1, by Appendix 1).
When referring to the literature and sources used in the paper, we use the American Medical Association format (AMA Citation Format ), which, according to our redaction, implies the rule of citing the source digitally in "square brackets" in the order of the American Medical Association format : in the References, with each source number, last name and initials of the author/authors, title, book/journal name, place of publication, year, book/journal number, pages, doi (in case of existence); In the text, in square brackets, the corresponding number of the author(s) should be indicated, according to the list of references. for example:
- In the case of the book - Smith A. The Wealth of Nations. The Glasgow edition. 1976: 456.
- In the case of the article - Walter L, Dumke K, Oliva A, et al. From tobacco to obesity prevention policies: A framework for implementing community-driven policy change. Health Promotion Pract. 2018; 19(6): 856–862. doi: 10.1177/1524839918760843.
Acceptance, review and publication of the paper
The manuscript must be submitted through the registration account created on the journal's website or by e-mail to and is subject to mandatory peer review process. For each paper, the editorial board selects at least two reviewers.
The author will be notified of the decision to publish or reject the paper within 2 weeks of the submission of the paper. In case of returning the paper for revision, the author is given an additional 5 working days (in the case of revision of experimental research - maximum 2 months) to present a complete version.
Peer review of a paper is done in a double-blind style - the identity of the author is not known to the reviewers, and the authors are not aware of the reviewers. Reviewers evaluate the paper according to three criteria (see Appendix 2):
a) relevance;
b) scientific value and novelty;
c) use of relevant and latest (last 5 years) scientific references.
A 10-point assessment is determined for each criterion.
The executive editor ensures that the reviewers average evaluation is determined and if the paper is evaluated with 21-30 points, it is published (upon condition of the voluntary consideration of justified comments). In the case of 11-20 points - the paper is returned to the author for processing and in the case of a lower rating - the author is notified of the refusal to publish the paper.
All authors of the published paper will be given an e-certificate.
When the anti-plagiarism system detects more than 15% similarity in the manuscript, the paper is rejected. If there is less than 15% similarity, the paper is sent to reviewers who decide whether to publish the paper in the journal without correction or return it to the author(s) for correction.
The fee for publication of the paper is 100 GEL for citizens of Georgia and representatives of organizations registered in Georgia (publishing is free for academic staff affiliated with University Geomedi), for individual researchers and representatives of organizations registered abroad - 100 USD equivalent GEL. In the case of joint publication by Georgian and Foreign authors, publication fee is 100 GEL. The person wishing to publish the paper should pay the fee to the bank account of the university, after approval for the publication.
Issues related to the publication of the work:
a) Quantitative characteristics of the work according to types:
- original research is recommended to be with a minimum of 1.5 thousand and a maximum of 5 thousand words, which, at the decision of the editors, in cases of special importance, may be allowed to be longer. The recommended number of references is 10-70;
- review paper is also recommended to be 1.5-5 thousand words, with 20-100 recommended number of references;
- scientific report should be about 1.0-2.5 thousand words and reasoned opinion, medical case report and others - 0.5-1.0 thousand words.
b) Participation of editors and members of the editorial board in the publication of articles: Chief and executive editors and members of the editorial board are not prohibited from publishing articles in the journal, with the requirement of full compliance with the general conditions of publication.
c) Multiple submissions in the current issue: In one issue, the author may publish no more than one article, in which the author presented as the first author.
d) Feedback form to the authors: the results of the review are sent to the authors in the appropriate feedback form (see Appendix 3).
e) Co-authors agreement form: changes to be made before sending the article and after reviewing, if there are co-authors, it is necessary to agree with all co-authors (see Appendix 4).
f) Copyright and Licensing Policy: The general access license (CC BY ) applies to the authors of the journal. A license is a grant of the right to freely use the work, and it allows any interested party to distribute the work, even for commercial purposes, provided that the author of the work is shown.
g) Article identification and archiving policy: Every article published in a scientific journal is assigned a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) by Crossref, which makes research objects stored on the Internet with the highest reliability, easy to find and highly cited.
h) Authors presenting a paper for publication in a journal are obliged to declare the absence of financial dependence or conflict with sponsors or other natural or legal persons related to the issues of conducting and publishing research, as well as that the presented paper is original and has not been published in other journals or is not submitted for publication.
Issues of ethics and response to violations
The editorial board of the journal subscribes to and adheres to the guidelines of the Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI) and the journalistic ethics practices of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
Academic integrity is a core value for every participant in the journal’s editorial process.
Each participant in the academic area of the journal is obliged to follow the principles of academic integrity, responsibility, respect, trust, justice and dignity.
Academic fraud, lying, professional indifference and plagiarism are not allowed in the activities of the journal (see 6.7).
The author is responsible for the material published in the paper, in case of co-authorship - the head of the group of authors (corresponding author).
The final version of the work to be published is agreed with the author or, in the case of co-authorship, with the head of the group of authors (corresponding author).
In case of inaccuracies/errors found in the published work, the author (or corresponding author) has the right to contact the editorial office of the journal via e-mail and request the study of the issue and appropriate response.
The editorial board is obliged to consider all such applications within two weeks and to inform the applicant of a reasoned answer. Regarding the application, the author (or corresponding author) is given the opportunity to submit his own explanation.
In case of confirmation of an inaccuracy/error, the editorial board makes a decision on the response. The next issue of the publication should reflect the relevant decision with proper justification.
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