Empathy level among the Nursing Workforce in the selected Health Institutes in Kathmandu consuming Toronto Empathy Scale
Empathy, Nursing Workforce, Toronto Empathy ScaleAbstract
Introduction: Empathy is an essential ingredient of the nurse-patient relationship. The current study’s goal is to investigate empathy levels and associated demographic variables among the nursing workforce in Kathmandu's selected health institutions.
Materials and Methods: cross-sectional study and purposive sampling technique; a total of 89 nursing workforce attained in this study; and online through the Google form was used to collect primary information. TEQ is made up of 16 items that are scored on a 5-point Likert scale as well as sociodemographic data (such as age, qualification, experience, and training). There are a total of 64. A score of >45 shows that the person has a high level of empathy. The data was analyzed using descriptive and multiple regression techniques.
Results: The descriptive analysis revealed that mostly 65.2% of the nursing workforce had below-average (<45) empathy scores. In the regression analysis model, beta age had a value of 0.357 and beta education had a value of 0.028. It was discovered that education level and age have a significant impact on empathy.
Conclusion: The study found that most of the nursing workforce had below-average empathy scores.
However, it is an essential attribute for developing nurse-patient relationships at work. It can be learned and acquired.
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