Sectional and Morphological features of dislocation process during the temporal lobe tumors


  • Joseph Gvazava Neurosurgical Department, Tbilisi First Clinical Hospital, Tbilisi, 0194, Georgia Author
  • Giorgi Gvazava Neurosurgical Department, Tbilisi First Clinical Hospital, Tbilisi, 0194, Georgia Author



temporal lobe, tumor, dislocation


Background:  Dislocation is the terrible complication of the temporal lobe tumors. The tumors of the temporal lobe are characterized by high rate of dislocation. Topographilly nearest of medio-basal part of temporal lobe to Pachion hole ensuring the formation of dislocation syndrome and preponderate of local symptoms over common cerebral symptoms. 
Aim: The aim of our research is to study a structural correlation and morphological features of dislocation process during temporal lobe tumors for definition optimal surgical treatment.
Methods: We studied 85 dislocation cases of sectional material during temporal lobe tumors (53 males and 32 famales). All material of tumors were based on the microscope, macroscope and electro-microscope examination of operative and sectional material and were verified by many frontal and sagittal incisions of the brain.                                                                           
Results: In medio-basal localization of tumors we didn’t meet any benign tumors. In 6 (7%) of cases morphological compensation was so high, that we couldn’t find any connection between tumor and dislocation. Some cases gyrus hippocampus and cingula were not pinched. During the dislocation process caused by temporal lobe tumors herniating of tonsila in the foramen Magna happens late, at the end, when in the cerebellum hemisphere may not happened rude morpho-logical changes. The factor of secondary ischemia of the brain may be considered. The herniation in the foramen Magna caused the ruin of vital functions in the stem, which is the reason of quick death.
Conclusions: Dislocation mostly occurred in the group of malign glioms of high grade, mainly lo-calized in the medio-basal part of the temporal lobe. The realization of dislocation besides tumors pathobiological action is the factor of brain secondary ischemia, which is caused by the pressure of tumors on the main trunk and branches of the middle cerebral artery. From our point of view the reason of quick death is the herniation in the hole of Bisha.


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How to Cite

Gvazava J, Gvazava G. Sectional and Morphological features of dislocation process during the temporal lobe tumors. MIMM. 2023;25(1). doi:10.56580/GEOMEDI27

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