Prevalence of oral diseases and availability of their treatment in Georgia
Oral diseases, accessibility of dental services, statistical surveyAbstract
Oral diseases are widespread diseases in the modern world. This problem is quite relevant in Georgia, where 94.2% of the population suffers from some kind of oral disease. 93.7% of interviewed women and 95.3% of men have symptoms of oral diseases. The rate of prevalence of oral diseases in different age groups also varies within 90-95%. It varies from 91.2% to 95.8% by regions. Therefore, its treatment and prevention are important nowadays. However, the majority of the population (44.9% of people with oral diseases) cannot afford to visit a dentist due to low income. According to the survey, when asked to respondents, what is the main reason for not visiting to the dentist, they answer the lack of money needed for treatment. 8.9% of respondents believe that dental services are fully accessible in Georgia, 14.4% think that they are more accessible than inaccessible; 25.7% believe that there is an average level of accessibility; 34.2% consider it more inaccessible than accessible and 16.8% think it is fully inaccessible.
ლელა წიტაიშვილი სტომატოლოგიურ დაავადებათა გავრცელება საქართველოს ზრდასრულ მოსახლეობაში და პრევენციის თანამედროვე მიდგომები, დისერტაცია, თსუ, 2015
Sharon Rankin, Marian Lennon, Oral Health Manual, Second edition, London, 2017 p. 122
The Challenge of oral disease, The Oral Health Atlas, Second edition, World Dental Federation, 2015
Guidelines on oral health, WHO